and Mathematic Linier Simulations
By : Edmond F. Lalang (economic and environment observer)
has long stuck in the further utilization
of science and
mathematics to predict
and make decision economic policy
and began to ignore the various supporting science is actually very precise, such
as social sciences, the science of psychology, biological sciences (pure
and applied) and environmental science. Economy science have used various
assumptions as parameter in calculated
Read More.......
Homo Economicus”
Comment on Anatole Kaletsky wrotes a paper about
“Goodbye, Homo Economicus”. In the Prospect Magazine editing No. 157, April
2009 that edit by Maxensius Trisambodo in Kontan news paper (April 2009).
By : Edmond F. Lalang : (Economic and Environment Observer,
June 2009)
An analysis
and commentary from me about Anatole Kaletsky writing about economics that are
no longer able to make good predictions and precise and should always be
revised and a lot of things about the various negative impacts on economic
policy development and relevance to the financial world with various crises and
recessions, including sub-prime mortgages crisis systemic effect throughout the
to Caveat on investment : model risk creates liability towards extreme
By Chitro Majumdar on May 29, 2012 8:12 AM on Luxemborough for Finance
Comment by : Edmond F. La’lang (economic and environment
JP Morgan’s current credit derivative loss can be possibly interpreted as of the tip of another iceberg! Greek exit fears is already hitting all the markets, Indian Rupees are one of the lowest valued currencies in the world in respect to the dollar. It’s inevitable that currency volatility today touches a highest worry in India (Oil price goes up 10% last night), India’s Central Bank ReadMore…….
and Bio-rhytmic Driven
By : Edmond F. Lalang (economic and environment observer)
Bio-rhythmic fluctuation is a conditional that must be experienced by every living creature in the development and growth of every day life, both individually and in groups in a region of space. Nature will always affect human life by forming a complex eco system environment, where humans, animals, plants and inanimate objects (non-biological) to interact and influence each other in harmony. Nature will always exist in the form Read More.......
the Economy can not being able to good works on Economic and Business Life
Cycle ?
By : Edmond F. La’lang
According to M. Dawam Raharjo (Cakrawala, Bisnis Indonesian News Paper) that economist have never consider culture factor to their economy formula. Whereas culture is a dynamic picture for growth, creative, grouping and organizing which appropriate with norms and customs in human life every day, depends on Read More.......
Dynamic of Economy (Macro Economy)
By : Edmond F. Lalang (economic and environment observer)
Economic activity is any activity of an economic community in a district, province and country that can give various economic benefits in the form of profits, production and trade system channel for the provision of goods and services (including finansil) for consumption needs and existing community services in the region and his country. This economic activity would provide a dynamic of growth for Read More.......
Dynamic of Business (Micro Economy)
By : Edmond F. Lalang (economic and environment observer)
Biocycle and bio-rythmic dynamic of business (microeconomics) is forming actually macroeconomics of a country like billions of tiny cells that make up a human body. Often we are more concerned about macroeconomic conditions, without the need to strengthen micro-economics, but the views and policies is very wrong, because of the micro cells strong and healthy then it will form a strong Read More.......
Footnote :
Fluctuations in short-term (daily and weekly) will occur naturally
influenced by state of mentality, passion, taste, motivation of global mass
psychology to take trading positions in a market that is crowded and often
chaotic. If there is data or news that very fundamental economic conditions,
business and politics, fluctuations in stock price movements will occur
dynamically and both meteoric and volatile free fall in excess of the daily forecast.
But in the medium and long-term investment will be influenced dynamically by
biocycle and biorhytmic of legal and natural forces are always moving up and
down dynamically. So you not only have to Globalization with Globalnet (internet system)
but also now should have a vision in a way Galaxization with Galaxinet **
we can know the strains and the condition of the Universe Kingdom
in the short term (10 years), medium term of 50 years and long term
years), which will also be evident in a "Certainty of Life rather than
Uncertainty Life " who always complained of many
parties, including the leaders of the state policy makers, leaders of
policy (industrialists and traders) as well as experts in various fields
life. The power and influence of Natural, Galaxy and Universe Law
(Universe Kingdom / Source One in Central Sun Universe) this will
affect every aspect of our lives on this planet, either consciously or
unconsciously to anticipate properly.
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